Sunday, May 3, 2009

Advice for the Needy

Advice truly is a funny thing
No matter what you give, it's always haunting
Sitting in the back of the minds of those involved
Never truly surfacing, the problem is never resolved
Giving it is a fairly tricky thing to do
Having to word shit properly to someone who
Needs to hear just exactly the right words
And yet, you hold back, fearing that they'll lurk
Sit and recess in the back of their mind
Never reaching the front, never giving it time
To simply help during that time of need
Constantly giving in to that gluttnous greed
The future is what is important to look at
Not thinking about the past, its hard to get back
You can never simply go back in time
To change exactly what went down that night

So phrasing those terms needs deadly precision
Cuz it's as permanent as circumcision
If you mess up, shit gets fucked
Never able to simply get tucked
Put away, back into the past
Cuz irrational decisions, forever they last
And no matter what happens, some advice is better than none
Since leaving a person to simply sulk in their thoughts is dumb
They will never be able to figure shit out
Since they will always constantly doubt
Think that whatever they do isn't right
Looking down on themselves, and their thoughts with all their might

Listening to advice is just as critical
Those who don't get mentally physical
Constantly asking, and seeking for something good
But they find nothing, since they misunderstood
What it exactly means to seek help
Never listening to those that sell
Since those who give advice are few and rare
And all they seek, is to give you some spare
Thoughts, and moments of their time
And if not, forever doomed, you'll simply be out of your mind

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